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تحقیق یاب

مرکز دانلود انواع فایل های دانشجویی و دانش آموزی(تحقیق,پاورپوینت,پروژه,مقاله,فایل فلش و ...)

An experimentalinvestigationontheseismicbehaviorofcold-formed steelwallssheathedbythinsteelplates

این مقاله در زمینه دیوارهای برشی فولادی (SPSW) سال 2014 چاپ در ژورنال Thin-WalledStructures قالب پی دی اف 14 صفحه
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فیلم آموزشی شطرنج دفاع بنونی An ambitious setup against the Benoni

An ambitious setup against the Benoniby  Lubomir Ftacnik فیلم آموزشی شطرنج دفاع بنونی   زمان 1 ساعت  آموزش کامل دفاع بنونی و طرح های شروع بازی و وسط بازی     The Benoni Defence is an active opening for Black and it is one which is enjoying a comeback. White players have always found it difficult to tame the opponent's dynamics in positions where Black can fall back on his active pieces and the queenside pawn majority. The topic of this 60 minute video clip is the ...

دانلود مقاله AFEC: An Adaptive Forward Error- Correction Protocol and Its Analysis

Title: AFEC: An Adaptive Forward Error- Correction Protocol and Its Analysis Author(S) :Kihong Park Journal/Conference Name: Computer Science Technical Reports  :Volume Year: 1997 :Issue :Pages در صورت بروز مشکل در دانلود مقاله یا سوال با آدرس ایمیل projectsara.ir@gmail.com مکاتبه نمایید. با تشکر ...

دانلود مقاله An Efficient Forward Error Correction Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network

Title: An Efficient Forward Error Correction Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network Author(S) :M.P.Singha, Prabhat Kumarb Journal/Conference Name: OpticalSwitchingandNetworking  :Volume Year: 2012 :Issue Pages: 737 – 742 AbstractThe two basic methods to recover erroneous packets in any network are Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ), andForward Error Correction (FEC). The life time of any wireless sensor network depends directly on the efficient use ofits power resour ...

دانلود مقاله An Efficient Novel Key management scheme using NchooseK algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

Title: An Efficient Novel Key management scheme using NchooseK algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Author(S) :Harjot Bawa1, Parminder Singh2 and Rakesh Kumar3 Journal/Conference Name: International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) 4 :Volume Year: 2012 6:Issue Pages: all AbstractIn Wireless Sensor Networks Key Management is a very challenging phenomenon. This paper gives anillustration and demonstration of mathematical model of new key management sc ...

دانلود مقاله An FEC-based Reliable Data Transport Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks

An FEC-based Reliable Data Transport Protocol for Underwater Sensor NetworksPeng Xie and Jun-Hong Cuixp@engr.uconn.edu, jcui@cse.uconn.eduComputer Science and Engineering DepartmentUniversity of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-2155   Abstract—In this paper, we investigate the reliable datatransport problem in underwater sensor networks. Underwatersensor networks are significantly different from terrestrialsensor networks in two aspects: acoustic channels are used forcommunication a ...

دانلود مقاله OPERA: An Optimal Progressive Error Recovery Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

OPERA: An Optimal Progressive Error Recovery Algorithm for Wireless Sensor NetworksSaad Bin Qaisar and Hayder RadhaDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringMichigan State UniversityEast Lansing, MI-48824, United States   Abstract—Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) requirerobustness against channel induced errors while retransmissionbased schemes prove too costly for energy constrainedsensor nodes. Channel coding with low rates canensure increased reliability, and it can elim ...


AN OPENING REPERTOIRE FOR THE ATTACKING PLAYER  IM VALERI LILOV   استاد بین المللی : والری لیلوف در این فیلم منحصر به فرد استاد بین المللی  والری Lilov به شما ایده های جدید در مورد چگونگی هدر ندادن  زمان و شکل گیری  یک حمله به سرعت با استفاده از باز کردن برخی خطوط در 4 قسمت با  آموزش کامل دفاع سیسیلی دراگون - واریانت یوگسلاو -و سیسیلی شونینگن - سیسیلی بازو غیره   مجموعه گشایشهای باز برای حمله قسمت 1 مدت زمان اجرا: 20 دقیقه 56 ثانیه ...