تحقیق یاب

مرکز دانلود انواع فایل های دانشجویی و دانش آموزی(تحقیق,پاورپوینت,پروژه,مقاله,فایل فلش و ...)

تحقیق یاب

مرکز دانلود انواع فایل های دانشجویی و دانش آموزی(تحقیق,پاورپوینت,پروژه,مقاله,فایل فلش و ...)

Communication for Business

Shirley Taylor         pages:453         Speaking and writing are the two main ways of communicating, of sharing ideas and conducting business. Writing in particular has become the main form of business communication throughout the world. Most employers would agree that two of the most crucial skills they look for in hiring new staff and in training current staff are the ability to think critically and to express themselves clearly both orally and in writi ...