تحقیق یاب

مرکز دانلود انواع فایل های دانشجویی و دانش آموزی(تحقیق,پاورپوینت,پروژه,مقاله,فایل فلش و ...)

تحقیق یاب

مرکز دانلود انواع فایل های دانشجویی و دانش آموزی(تحقیق,پاورپوینت,پروژه,مقاله,فایل فلش و ...)

Think aloud protocols: Viable for teaching, learning, and professional development in interpreting

Abstract. Interpretations are as unique as the professionals who produce them. That being the case, how do we find out what factors contribute to choices made in an interpretation, particularly when a majority of the work tasks involved in the interpreting process occur, unobservable, in the brain of the practitioner. Think Aloud Protocols (TAP) provide a means for gaining access to the inner workings of interpreting practitioners. TAPs have been used in researching translation between two writt ...
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