تحقیق یاب

مرکز دانلود انواع فایل های دانشجویی و دانش آموزی(تحقیق,پاورپوینت,پروژه,مقاله,فایل فلش و ...)

تحقیق یاب

مرکز دانلود انواع فایل های دانشجویی و دانش آموزی(تحقیق,پاورپوینت,پروژه,مقاله,فایل فلش و ...)

دانلود پروژه Control Chart Pattern Recognition Using an Optimized Neural Network and Efficient features

üa r t i c l e i n f o  Article history: Received 1 November 2009 Received in revised form 20 March 2010 Accepted 24 March 2010 Available online 18 April 2010 üKeywords: Control chart pattern recognition Wavelet decomposition entropies Neural networks Learning algorithm Particle swarm optimization شامل 45 اسلاید powerpoint بهمراه فایل pdf  ...

A Survey on Wireless Sensor Network Clustering Protocols Optimized via Game Theory

ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of low size, power constrained nodes that sense the environment and communicate this information through wireless links. There are a number of research issues in WSN with energy efficiency being one of the prime issues for WSN applications. In clustering-based routing protocols, cluster head selection has significant effect on performance of the protocol, along with routing technique. Game theory as a mathematical notion, being able to analyze inte ...