تحقیق یاب

مرکز دانلود انواع فایل های دانشجویی و دانش آموزی(تحقیق,پاورپوینت,پروژه,مقاله,فایل فلش و ...)

تحقیق یاب

مرکز دانلود انواع فایل های دانشجویی و دانش آموزی(تحقیق,پاورپوینت,پروژه,مقاله,فایل فلش و ...)

The Green Roof Strategy for Sustainable Development

Abstract Increasing worldwide environmental concerns have led to the development of environmentally friendly construction practices and Green roof technology is one possibility for reducing the environmental impact of a building. Research has shown that significant environmental benefits can be achieved from rooftop gardens in terms of storm water runoff quantity and quality control. For example, at a green roof site in Hannover-Herrenhausen , Germany it was determined th at 5 to 10 cm soil lay ...

دانلود کتاب با موضوع منظرسازی پایدار با عنوان Sustainable landscape management : design, construction, and maintenance

در این بخش  کتاب با موضوع منظرسازی پایدار با عنوان Sustainable landscape management : design, construction, and maintenance برای دانلود قرار داده شده است. این کتاب ارزشمند با فرمت PDF  و در 274 صفحه می باشد. در ذیل صفحه مشخصات، فهرست مطالب این کتاب آمده است. در صورت تمایل می‌توانید این محصول را از فروشگاه خریداری و دانلود فرمایید.   ...

دانلود کتاب طراحی منظر پایدار با عنوان لاتین Sustainable Site Design

در این بخش  کتاب طراحی منظر پایدار با عنوان لاتین Sustainable Site Design: Criteria, Process, and Case Studies for Integrating Site and Region in Landscape Design برای دانلود قرار داده شده است. این کتاب ارزشمند با فرمت PDF  و در 291 صفحه می باشد. در ذیل صفحه مشخصات، فهرست مطالب این کتاب آمده است. در صورت تمایل می‌توانید این محصول را از فروشگاه خریداری و دانلود فرمایید. ...

Hygromorphic materials for sustainable responsive architecture

Hygromorphic materials for sustainable responsive architecture ژورنال: Construction and Building Materials سال: November 2015 قیمت اصلی:39.95$ AbstractContemporary smart building systems typically aim to reduce building energy use by means of technologically enabled climate-responsiveness; however, these technologies lack the efficiency and elegance of naturally responsive mechanisms employing the inherent properties of available materials, such as the moisture-induced opening and closin ...

The Role of Women in Sustainable Energy Development

نویسند‌گان: M. Azizi ، F. Asoudeh
خلاصه مقاله:
This study explores the question of how sustainable energy development- specifically, decentralized renewable energy technologies - can complement and benefit from the goal of increasing women’s role in development. Many of the examples given in the paper draw on contributions to and thinking developed in connection with ENERGIA News, the newsletter of the International Network on Women and Energy
کلمات کلیدی:
Sustainable Energy development, Ren ...

A Dialectical Approach to Sustainable Aesthetic Geotourism Nature of Beauty, Beauty in Nature and Judgment of Beauty

نویسند‌گان: A. Mehrpooya ، A. A. Morovat
خلاصه مقاله:
In his search for sublimity, modern man aboard the titanic frigate of civilization has journeyed through the tempestuous waters of industrialization in a hope to land on the far coast of serenity and peace. In man’s imagination, of all the paths leading to peace pleasure-seeking is one and of all the causes of pleasure beauty has always been the most royal. In this article, Without overestimating the value of the natural beauties and overlo ...


شامل بخش های زیر است Foreword viiAcknowledgments ixIntroduction xiChapter 1 The Built Environments and ItsSupporting Systems 1Defi ning the Built Environment 1Defi ning the Supporting Systems 2The Two Fundamental Types of BuiltEnvironments 3The Two Fundamental Types of SupportingSystems 13Chapter 2 The Process of Transformation 25Sustainable Plan-Making 25The Plan-Making Steps 25Chapter 3 The Physical Built Environment 59Sustainable Community Commerce—Seth Harry 59Building Sustainable Comm ...