تحقیق یاب

مرکز دانلود انواع فایل های دانشجویی و دانش آموزی(تحقیق,پاورپوینت,پروژه,مقاله,فایل فلش و ...)

تحقیق یاب

مرکز دانلود انواع فایل های دانشجویی و دانش آموزی(تحقیق,پاورپوینت,پروژه,مقاله,فایل فلش و ...)

دانلود مقاله لاتین با عنوان سیستم های کنترل مدیریت به عنوان مجموعه ای از چالش ها، فرصتها و جهت های تحقیقاتی

  Abstract There has been very little explicit theoretical and empirical research on the concept of management control systems (MCS) as a package despite the existence of the idea in management accounting literature for decades. In this editorial we discuss a range of ways researchers have defined MCS and the problems this has created. We provide a new typology for MCS structured around five groups: planning, cybernetic, reward and compensation, administrative and cultural controls. The ...

دانلود مقاله لاتین با عنوان کنترلهای مدیریت در کسب و کارهای خانوادگی: مطالعه موردی دانشگاه خانوادگی مالزی

  Abstract This paper reports on the results of a case study of management controls in an Indonesian family-owned University. The paper attempts to understand the nature and dynamics of management controls in the operations of the University. Data for the analyses are gathered from multiple sources including document analysis, observations and semi-structured interviews. The findings of the case study showed that culture and social relations are very instrumental in the management of th ...

دانلود مقاله لاتین با عنوان بهینه سازی چند هدفه در مدیریت پرتفولیو

  Abstract Several multiobjective optimization methods (MOB) are discussed. Two methods are modified and applied to portfolio management problem. A one parameter relation is derived for efficient portfolios. The second method gives ‘‘several’’ efficient portfolios. Keywords: Multiobjective optimization; Keeny–Raiffa and compromise methods; Portfolio management   ...

دانلود مقاله لاتین ارزش مدیریت پرتفولیو فعال

Abstract We calculate the value of interim portfolio revision, an integral component of active management of mutual funds by comparing the returns on actively managed mutual fund portfolios with the returns the fund portfolios would have earned had there been no interim revision. The results show that, on an average, excess returns from interim portfolio revision do not cover the incremental trading costs, even over holding periods as long as 6 months. Across mutual funds, we find evidence ...

دانلود مقاله لاتین با عنوان موج دوم مدیریت دانش: کنترل مدیریت منابع دانش از طریق اطلاعات سرمایه ای هوشمندانه

  Abstract Through the 1990s, knowledge has become a phenomenon to be managed and intellectual capital information has been suggested to be medium for this ambition. In this paper,we propose a method to analyse (and design) intellectual capital information so that it can be an input to the management of knowledge resources. We use a distinction between 1st and 2nd wave knowledge management to illustrate two possible objects of knowledge management: the creative individual and the network of ...

دانلود مقاله لاتین 2012 با عنوان تاثیر مشخصات تیم مدیریتی در ریسک پذیری و سبکهای پرتفولیوی اوراق سهام

  This paper investigates the effect of management team-level characteristics on portfolio risk and style extremity using a unique dataset of 1678 mutual fund managers. Results show that teams with more members, longer tenure, and more members with graduate business training hold less risky portfolios. The opposite is true for teams whose members engage in side-by-side management; that is, they manage multiple funds simultaneously. Member diversity is related to less extreme style decis ...

دانلود مقاله لاتین با عنوان افزایش انحراف معیار و پراکندگی بازده پرتفولیو

  Abstract Oliver Hart proved the impossibility of deriving general comparative static properties in portfolio Instead, we derive new comparative statics for the distribution of payoffs: A is less risk averse than   B iff A ’s payoff is always distributed as B ’s payoff plus a non-negative random variable plus conditional mean- z ero noise. If either agent has non increasing absolute risk aversion, the non-negative part can be chosen to be constant. The main result ...

دانلود مقاله لاتین با عنوان مدیریت عرضه جهانی بر اساس بکارگیری مدیریت پرتفوی

    Abstract ‘How to source globally’ has become a critical strategic decision for companies competing on a global basis. Despite an increased focus on global sourcing and supply chain management, little is known about the challenges and solutions surrounding such sourcing practices. Extant literature points at the critical importance of developing and sharing knowledge in multinational companies (MNCs). However, little work has been undertaken to examine the organizati ...

دانلود مقاله لاتین با عنوان آینده نگری بازارهای نفت و طلا: آیا بازارها دارای کارایی هستند؟

  a b s t r a c t In this paper we examine the long-run relationship between gold and oil spot and futures markets. We draw on the conceptual framework that when oil price rises, it creates inflationary pressures, which instigate investments in gold as a hedge against inflation. We test for the long-run relationship between gold and oil futures prices at different maturity and unravel evidence of cointegration. This implies that: (a) investors use the gold market as a hedge against inf ...

دانلود مقاله لاتین با عنوان کاربردها و مزایای ابزارها برای مدیریت ریسک پروژه ها

  Abstract Risk management is one of the key project management processes. Numerous tools are available to support the various phases of the risk management process. We present the results of a study designed to identify the tools that are most widely used and those that are associated with successful project management in general, and with e€ective project risk management in particular. The study is based on a questionnaire administered to a sample of project managers from the sof ...